Hello! Do you need a Dog Trainer for your dog? Do you have a behavior problem with your dog? I bring you a personalized and efficient solution for you and your pet. There will be no theory, but only practical knowhows. The course will be based on solving your problem. The lesson will take place at your home, or where you usually walk your dog. Range: Lausanne, Lausanne riviera (from Montreux to Nyon) and canton de Vaud.
Also puppy and dog toilet training & Preparing the arrival of your new puppy at your home.14 years of experience.
! Check out my Dog Training / Dog Coaching website to learn more about how I can help you and your dog ! ***
Les cours que je vous propose sont à la carte, et ne s’occupent que de votre problème à vous. Ainsi les progrès sont rapides et vous n'aurez pas besoin de prendre beaucoup de cours.
Je me déplace à votre domicil...